Reflection 7:17 PM

We have re-arranged our background system. Now up against the box are four overlapping pieces of paper and then two on the floor (flat) in front.

Then we will have a ranch, cactus, scorpion and tumble weed placed throughout the background, to make the wild-west-desert-battleground look more realistic and authentic.

We should finish the background in no more than another four lessons, at most. Then, we will start to film the most important and longest scene in the movie, the battle, also the climax in the storyline.

Reflection 6:43 PM

We have almost finished our background, but I have changed my mind and we're now going to make the background on Photoshop.

Reflection 4:50 PM

Now I just need to make the background again and we can film the Battlefield scene, which is the big scene.

Reflection 5:24 PM

Today Petra and I finished filming Scenes 1 & 2, getting more done than we expected/hoped to. Next lesson we will film the pencil case scene (scene 3) and then after that we can begin to film the longest scenes, the battle. I am really pleased that Petra is working with me now because it helped to make things go faster, with one of us working the camera and computer and the other moving the objects.

Reflection 4:56 PM

I didn't start filming this lesson as planned because Petra has joined our Creative Media class, and I offered for her to join me. I spent this lesson helping to get Petra up to speed and set up her blog. I also did a small practice iStop with her. We will begin filming next lesson, when we will do Scenes 1 and 2.

Animated Film Evaluation 6:37 PM

Did you manage to finish a film, finished or not?

Yes, whilst Petra and I did not have time to create the battle scene and twist ending, we instead turned it into a movie that ends at the start of the climax, finishing it at the books and stationary lining up for the battle and inserting a ‘To Be Continued’ style title at the end.

What was your animation about?

The animation was about a fight between textbooks and stationary about who was more helpful in the classroom, and in the end they realized how silly it all was and agreed not to fight.

As far as what we originally planned, there was then a twist ending where it ended with the USB’s turning up, and it would end with them demanding that they were better than anyone.

Did you manage your time well?

I think if Petra had done any filming whilst I was at camp, we would have finished the whole film (the battle scene would have taken the whole week, tops), because after that, in the last week, there was just no time. Other than that, I think we managed our time fairly well, but there definitely was room for improvement. I think next time I might work with someone who distracts me a little less (no offence to Petra).

Did you encounter any problems whilst making your film?

There were several.

  1. When we wasted a whole lesson trying to print off a backdrop because the printer wouldn’t print it in the right size
  2. When we had to set up the lighting and camera angles perfectly for the scene where I wound the stationary down on the line, so it didn’t show (although that was more of a challenge than a problem)
  3. When Petra didn’t film over camp, it was a huge time loss.

Could your film have been improved?

Yes, if we had more time or if Petra had filmed over camp, we could have finished.

Are you happy with your film?

I am happy with our film, but not as happy as I could have been, had it been finished, because I thought we had a pretty good storyline, especially our twist ending.

Reflection 6:15 PM

Next lesson I will begin filming. I have split my film into six scenes;

  1. The Math Quest starts the fight
  2. The Math Quest and stationery spread the word
  3. Fights break out, turning into a war
  4. Many textbooks and stationery die
  5. The Truce
  6. The USB's
Next lesson I will begin the filming of Scene 1 and Scene 2, which should take up the next two lessons. Scenes 3-6 will then be completed next term.